RHVoice 1.6.0
RHVoice 1.6.0 is now available.
What’s new
Hana, an Albanian voice by LouderPages
Visit LouderPages, if you’d like to learn about and install Hana.
New voices by RHVoice Lab are now on Android
The latest voices created by the RHVoice Lab team are now available in the Android app too.
An update of the Ukrainian dictionary
The community developed Ukranian pronunciation dictionary has been updated. On Android the update will be installed automatically. The latest Ukranian voice installers for Windows include the new dictionary.
New emojis for most RHVoice languages
As new emojis get introduced, we add their names to our emoji dictionaries. The Android app will install them automatically. They are also included in the latest voice installers for Windows.
Easier way to import user dictionaries on Android
If you use your own or third-party user dictionaries, you don’t need to copy them to a special directory any more, which may even be impossible on Android 11 or later.
Open the RHVoice settings, select the language, and then tap “Add” to import a user dictionary from a file on your device.
This method is supported on devices running Android 4.4 or later.
Visit the installation page for the links to the latest installers.
If RHVoice is already installed on your device, it will be updated automatically, if automatic updates are enabled. Or you can check for updates manually.
As soon as the updated RHVoice runs again, it will try to download the new language data. When the new data is downloaded, RHVoice will start using it.
If you don’t have RHVoice installed yet, the installation information is here